Privacy Notice for Training Recording

In line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) Matilda Ltd ( is the data controller and we process your personal data as a new or current student in compliance with the law. This privacy notice is to tell you how that personal data is used and protected by Matilda Ltd.

Why are the online training sessions recorded?

In order to improve delegates’ experience of training sessions being delivered online, Matilda Ltd will might record the online training session to enable trainers to reflect on the training session and plan future training sessions accordingly. Depending on how the training session is delivered this may include the recording of audio or video of the trainers.

How do I know if the teaching session is being recorded?

For training session happening online i.e. via Zoom you will know if it is being recorded as a red circle and the red text ‘Recording’  will show on your computer screen. If you have phoned into Zoom, instead of using the software, the Zoom-voice will state ‘This meeting is being recorded’.

Is the whole recording personal data?

No. Parts of that recording could count as personal data according to data protection laws. Personal data in recordings would include your name, images of you and any opinions you contribute and anything you say about yourself.

What is the lawful basis of processing personal data in the recorded lecture?

The lawful basis for processing this personal data is legitimate interests. This applies when the data processing is not required by law but is of a clear benefit to the organisation or the individual, there is limited privacy impact on you as the individual and we think you would reasonably expect us to use the personal data in the way that we wish to. Trainers do not need to ask permission to record the training sessions being delivered online.

Can I opt out of having my personal data recorded?

If the teaching session is taking place online you could mute your microphone or turn off your webcam. We hope you don’t feel the need to avoid those things as your trainer and your fellow delegates value your contribution to the sessions but you are allowed to do so unless the session is being recorded for assessment purposes and your contribution is being assessed.

You can choose what name to display in your Zoom account and therefore what shows on a Zoom call. We encourage the use of your real name, as this will help your trainers and fellow delegates to know who you are but you do not need to display your full name. Simply your first name, or first name and initial is recommended. If you are phoning into the Zoom teaching session, instead of using the Zoom software the name of your phone or phone number may show up in Zoom for the other participants to see. If you do not want this to show up then then one way to prevent it from happening is to use a code before you dial the Zoom number. From a mobile type #31# before manually typing the Zoom phone number (e.g. 020 8080 6591). If you are phoning from a landline type 141 before the Zoom phone number.

How are the recordings stored and shared?

If, for example when training sessions are being delivered online, trainers are having to work on their own devices (e.g. laptop, tablet) the recordings will only be saved on those devices until it is technically possible for them to be uploaded and kept securely on an external hard drive and deleted from other devices.

The recordings will stored for three year or  upon renewal of the training. The recordings will be accessible to relevant trainers.

Matilda Ltd may share the recordings with the police and other law enforcement agencies, for the prevention or detection of crime.

Where can I get more information?

Matilda Ltd Data Protect Policy is available on the website.

The Information Commissioner’s Office is the regulatory body for data protection. You can read about your data protection rights at on the Information Commissioner’s Website